Resolution on Co-operation between OAU and UNHR

CM/Res. 622 (XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Noting with great satisfaction the constructive and positive role played by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in finding solutions to the ever-increasing problems facing African Refugees,

Concerned about the growing number of the African Refugee population and its firm wishes to assist within its means those Africans who suffer from displacement,

Appreciative of the modus operandi and spirit of co-operation established between the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees to combat the problems facing African Refugees:

  1. EXPRESSES its warm appreciation to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees for its humanitarian assistance extended to African Refugees;

  1. URGES the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees to intensify their existing good working relationship with a view to rendering effective assistance to the African Refugee population;

  1. EXPRESSES the hope that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees would give sufficient attention to find lasting solutions to African refugee problems and requests him to continue to do so in that regard.

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