Resolution of Sanctions against the Racist Minority Regimes of Southern Africa

CM/Res. 623 (XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the OAU meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Having taken note with satisfaction, of the report CM/882 (XXXI) of the Administrative Secretary-General on the applications of sanctions against the racist minority regimes of Southern Africa,

Recalling the numerous resolutions already adopted against all forms of cooperation with the racist regimes of Salisbury and Pretoria,

Gravely concerned by the continuing political, economic, military, sporting and violations of other sanctions by certain countries to the advantage of the racist regimes of Southern Africa,

Convinced that the total isolation of the white minority regimes of Southern Africa would decisively contribute towards the collapse of these regimes,

Considering the imperative necessity for OAU Member States of ensuring the regroups application of mandatory sanctions against these regimes

  1. CONDEMNS, once again, all the countries that collaborate with the regimes of Pretoria and Salisbury;

  1. CONDEMNS the zionist regime of Israel for its economic, commercial, military and technological relations with the racist regime of South Africa;

  1. APPEALS to all countries especially the Western countries of Europe, and America as well as Japan to break off their economic and commercial relations with the Apartheid regime of South Africa and the rebel regime of Southern Rhodesia;

  1. COMMENDS the governments which have taken action against multinational corporations collaborating with the racist regimes in Southern Africa;

  1. REQUESTS the African Member States of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to take the necessary initiatives in the OPEC towards an oil embargo against South Africa;

  1. CALLS for the strengthening of the United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid and the Centre Against Apartheid in order to enable them more effectively discharge their responsibilities in this crucial period;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Standing Committee on Sanctions just created to look into the special circumstances affecting certain individual states of Southern Africa and Cape Verde within the context of the application of sanctions;

  1. RECOMMENDS the convocation, as soon as possible, of the meeting of aeronautics experts in conformity with Resolution CM/Res. 473 (XXVII).

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