Resolution of the activities of the Executive Secretariat at the United Nations

CM/Res. 625 (XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Having examined the report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the Executive Secretariat of the OAU at the United Nations as well as the report on African candidatures to international organizations and the document on criteria, for candidatures Document CM/891

(XXXI) Annexes I and II,

Recalling its resolutions CM/351 (XXIII), Cm/480 (XXV), CM/477 and CM/584 (XXIX),

Convinced of the necessity of continued close co-operation between the other member states of the United Nations and those of the OAU,

Aware of the positive and constructive role which the representatives of the African States play at the United Nations in New York;

Reaffirming the need for adequate representation of African Member States in the decision-making bodies of the UN system on the most equitable basis possible amongst Member States;

  1. TAKE NOTE with appreciation the report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the Executive Secretariat;

  1. APPROVES the African candidature presented for the 33 rd Sessions of the UN General Assembly as recommended by the African Group in Document CM/891

(XXXI) Annex I;

  1. URGES the African Group to pursue its search for ways and means to allow the African Group to realise greater successes in the higher interest of the peoples of Africa;

  1. RENEWS to the Secretary-General of the United Nations its high appreciation for the active interest he has shown in regard to African problems and the laudable efforts that he has continued to deploy towards the solution of these problems;

  1. URGES the African Group and the Executive Secretariat to continue their positive action to safeguard the higher interests of Africa.

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