Resolution on Oil Embargo

CM/Res. 634 (XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Having heard the report of the OAU Committee of Seven on its mission to the major oil- exporting countries (document CM/886 (XXXI),

Satisfied with the particularly warm welcome accorded to the Committee by all the States visited,

Deeply shocked by the negative and unfriendly attitude adopted by Iran towards the OAU Committee of Seven in categorically refusing to receive and hold discussions with the Committee,

Noting with regret that nearly ninety per cent of the oil and oil products supplied to the apartheid regime of South Africa come from Iran,

Convinced that a strict and total oil embargo against the white Minority Racist Regimes of South Africa and Rhodesia would bring about a rapid and positive change in that region,

Further convinced of the necessity of establishing a permanent and effective machinery for the application of sanctions and oil embargo against illegal and racist regimes in Southern Africa,

Considering the need to call on the services of groups of experts on the application of sanctions in order to ensure greater effectiveness:

  1. TAKES NOTE with the greatest satisfaction of the report of the OAU Committee of Seven on Oil Embargo (document CM/886 (XXXI) Rev. 1 and ADOPTS the recommendations made by that Committee;

  1. WARMLY COMMENDS the OAU Committee of Seven for its useful and fruitful work;

  1. EXPRESSES its gratitude to Ecuador, Indonesia, Iraq, Malaysia, Kuwait, Quatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela for the cordial, fraternal and friendly welcome accorded to the OAU Committee of Seven on Oil Embargo;

  1. EXPRESSES its indignation at Iran for having categorically rejected the request from the OAU Committee of Seven, to be received by the authorities of Iran in order to hold consultations with them and for its collusion with the racist minority regimes of Southern Africa;

  1. REQUESTS the oil producing African States and Members of OPEC to exert all efforts within their Organization with the view to ensuring respect by all members for the oil embargo against the racist regimes of Southern Africa;

  1. MANDATES the Secretary-General to contact, as soon as possibly, the Boycott Bureau of the League of Arab States to draw from its experience in the application of sanctions;

  1. DECIDES to transform the OAU Committee of Seven on oil Sanctions into a standing committee to follow up regularly, the subject of sanctions against white minority racist regimes in Southern Africa, and to co-operate with Sanction Committees of other international organizations such as the United Nations, the Arab League and the Commonwealth in order to ensure, as far as possible, their effective implementation, and to report periodically to the decision-making bodies;

  1. RECOMMENDS FURTHER that the subject of oil embargo should permanently figure on the Agenda of all regional inter-regional and international conferences and to eventually call on the services of groups of consultants specialized in the subject of oil sanctions as approved by the Council of Ministers;

  1. MANDATES the African Group at the United Nations Organization in New York to work towards the early convening of the Security Council to consider the issue of oil embargo against the Southern African racist regime;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to establish the appropriate machinery and modalities to assist this Committee to accomplish its task. To this end he should strengthen the unit in the General Secretariat charged with the application of sanctions on oil embargo against the racist regimes of Southern Africa;

  1. FURTHER REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to establish an appropriate reporting system in the General Secretariat to enable all Member States to regularly communicate to him information regarding their compliance with the various resolutions on sanctions and oil embargo against the racist regimes o Southern Africa:

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