Resolution on South Africa

CM/Res. 636 (XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Considering that the maturing revolutionary situation in the country calls for continuing country-wide under-ground mobilization in continued preparation for sustained action and struggle,

Recalling its resolutions on South Africa and apartheid adopted at the Thirtieth Ordinary Session in Tripoli, Libya from 20 to 28 February, 1978,

Recalling the OAU, the Non-Aligned and the United Nations resolutions which condem and reject the so-called independence of tribal creations as null and void, once again denounces the so-called independence of Transkei and Bophuhatswana, and calls on all Member States to refrain from establishing any contact whatsoever with these and any other bantustans,

Considering that the South African regime is enabled to pursue its policy of apartheid, the military occupation of Namibia and the propping up of the Smith regime to the extent of helping the letter to engage in repeated military aggression against Botswana, Mozambique and Zambia and other neighbouring states, because of the supply of oil it continues to receive from some oil-exporting countries such as Iran,

Noting the decision of the United Nations Security Council, in resolution of 418 of 4 November 1977, concerning arms embargo against South Africa, and considering that these decisions should be the beginning of a programme of effective sanctions until South Africa is liberated,

Further noting that the United Nations has proclaimed the year beginning 21 March, 1978 as the International-Anti-Apartheid Year,

Noting with grave anxiety the increasing atrocities perpetrated by the apartheid regime in South Africa, including such as the continuing killings of peaceful demonstrators, the torture and murders of patriots in detention, the trials of freedom fighters under obnoxious racist laws, and the establishment of new bantustans,

Encouraged by the ever-growing acts of solidarity initiated by support committees, the student movement and the working class in Western countries that are collaborating with racist South Africa,

Noting with indignation that some governments, transnational corporations and financial institutes are increasing their investments in South Africa,

Considering that African and international action in support of the liberation of South Africa and the eradication of apartheid must be greatly intensified during the International Anti- Apartheid year:

  1. CONGRATULATES the Liberation Movements of South Africa recognized by the OAU on their commendable efforts and declares the South African problem a top priority case which must receive increased and maximum support from the international community to ensure that genuine and speedy liberation of the whole of Southern Africa;

  1. EXPRESSES its total solidarity with the National Liberation Movements of South Africa and the oppressed people of South Africa

  1. DECIDES to grant increased financial, material and political support to the National Liberation Movements of Southern Africa to assist in the intensification of the armed struggle inside the country;

  1. CALLS ON the Ad-Hoc Committee to meet as soon as possible to study the problems of unity of the ANC and PAC and to find an acceptable formula that will ensure the unification of all the fighting forces in that country;

  1. MANDATES the African Group in New York to take the necessary steps toward the imposition of economic sanctions, the withdrawal of investments, the oil embargo and the strict implementation of Security Council Resolution 418 on a mandatory arms embargo;

  1. INVITES Member States to effectively implement UN General Assembly Resolution 31/1052 proclaiming the year beginning 21 March 1978 as the International Year

Against Apartheid and decides to observe July 18, 1978 the 60th birthday of Nelson Mandela in conformity with the appeal of the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid;

  1. MANDATES the African Group in New York and OAU Member States to support projects through their Diplomatic Representatives, initiated by the National Liberation Movement in the campaign for international solidarity and the isolation of the Pretoria regime, especially, during the International Year Against Apartheid and the decade against racism as designated by the United Nations;

  1. REQUESTS African States which have not yet done so to terminate any services or facilities to airlines and ships proceeding to or coming from South Africa;

  1. CALLS ON all justice and freedom loving nations to lend active solidarity to the countries neighbouring South Africa in order to help them consolidate their economic independence and military defence in the face of the permanent threat the apartheid regime poses to them;

  1. APPEALS to Member States of the OAU and the international community to give maximum publicity to the secret trial of ZEPH MOTHOPENG and the BETHAL 18 and all African nationalists in South Africa with a view to exposing the travesty of justice which the trails entail;

  1. EQUALLY APPEALS to the Member States of the OAU and the international community to mount a massive campaign for the release of all African nationalists sentenced to death by the racist Vorster regime;

  1. CALLS ON OAU Member States to intensify the international campaign for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners, detainees people under house arrest and other forms of restriction in South Africa and appeals to African and friendly States to campaign for the granting of prisoner of war status to all freedom fighters captured by the enemy;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General, in close collaboration with the UN Special Committee Against Apartheid, to keep African States informed of all corporations and financial institutions collaborating with the apartheid regime so that African States can take appropriate retaliatory action.

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