Resolution on aggression and invasion attempts by Mercenaries against the People’s Republic of Benin, the Democratic Republic of Sao-Tome and Principe

CM/Res. 639 (XXXI)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Deeply concerned about the grave danger posed by the use of mercenaries to destabilise independent African States,

Having heard the statement of the Head of the Benin Delegation on the armed aggression perpetuated against the Peoples Republic of Benin on 16 January 1977,

Having further heard the statement of the Head of Delegation of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe and having considered Report CM/883 (XXXI) of the OAU Fact Finding Mission to Sao Tome and Principe concerning the aggression against that state by mercenaries,

Recalling Resolution CM/Res. 527 (XXVIII) on the armed aggression against the Peoples Republic of Benin.

Bearing in mind Resolution 404, 405 and 419 (1977) of the Security Council on the aggression against the People’s Republic of Benin;

Considering the Convention on Mercenarism adopted by the 14th Assembly of Heads of State and Government,

Convinced of the need for solidarity among Member States of the OAU:

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the armed aggression perpetuated against the People’s Republic of Benin on 16 January 1977 as well as all those who conceived, organized, financed and executed it;

  1. CONDEMNS the repeated invasion attempts against the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe by mercenaries:

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the use of mercenaries for the destabilization of independent African States and the violation of their territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence;

  1. CONDEMNS equally in strong terms the imperialist powers which attempt to obstruct the revolutionary process of some African States and jeopardize the independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of African Countries;

  1. APPEALS to Member States to ratify as soon as possible the Convention on Mercenarism and implement consequently the resolution of the 14th Assembly on the same subject;

  1. REAFFIRMS the solidarity of the African peoples and governments with the People’s Republic of Benin and the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe;

  1. RECOMMENDS that immediate financial assistance be given to the People’s Republic of Benin and the Democratic Republic of Soa Tome and Principe from the OAU Special Fund;

  1. REQUESTS that this OAU Special Fund be increased in order to enable it to provide any financial assistance required by any African State threatened by or falling victim of aggression;

  1. PROPOSES that the People’s Republic of Benin and the Democratic Re public of Sao Tome and Principe be exempted from payment of their contributions to the OAU for the next three years;

  1. RECOMMENDS the setting up of a Committee to be entrusted with the task of studying the requirements of the People’s Republic of Benin and the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe with a view to creating the conditions and providing them with the means for repelling any aggression or attempt to invade their national territory;

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