Resolution on Nomadism in Africa

CM/Res. 648 (XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Recalling resolution CM/Res. 380 (XXIII) on Nomadism in Africa,

Having Examined the Secretary-General’s report on the Panel of Experts’ meeting on nomadism in Africa and the Experts’ document bearing the title of “Re commendations in the form of the settlement charter in Africa”, document CM/895 (XXXI),

Considering the experience already acquired as regards the settlement of nomads, as appearing in the current programme of some African countries,

Considering the urgent need for drawing up a necessary strategy to find out solutions to the problem of nomadism in Africa:

  1. CONGRATULATES the Secretary-General and the Experts on what they have been able to achieve;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to forward document CM/895 (XXXI) and the Experts’ recommendations to Member States for comments;

  1. INVITES the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to co-operate with the international organizations concerned in order to ensure effective implementation of these recommendations. To this end a joint mission of the various bodies thus concerned is to visit member countries of the OAU to be appraised of the results of their implementation, prior to the Panel of Experts’ meeting scheduled for 1980;

  1. INVITES, moreover, the Administrative Secretary-General to convene a second meeting in 1980 of the Panel of Experts on nomadism in Africa, in such a manner as would enable the experts to review their recommendations in the light of the comments forwarded by Member States:

  1. APPEALS to the member States to make all the necessary arrangement to ensure the success of the second meeting of the Panel of Experts on nomadism in Africa;

  1. APPEALS to the International organizations to assist member States that have initiated projects for the settlement of nomads;

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