CM/Res. 653 (XXXI)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,
Having received and examined the report, document CM/902 (XXXI), of the Administrative Secretary-General on the proceedings of the Third Session of the OAU Labour Commission, together with the annexed resolutions and the Draft Co-operation Agreement between ISSA and OAU, as adopted by the Third Session of the OAU Labour Commission:
TAKES NOTE OF the report and its annexures;
AUTHORISES the Administrative Secretary-General to proceed and sign the Co- operation Agreement between the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the Organization of African Unity (OAU);
DECIDES to submit the report of the Third Session of the OAU Labour Commission, the resolution thereon and the Co-operation Agreement between the ISSA and the OAU to the Fifteenth Assembly of heads of State and government for endorsement;
REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to ensure the effective presence and participation of the OAU General Secretariat in all sub-regional, regional and international forums of the ILO, its Governing Body and Committees as well as in the all meetings of ISSA and its organs;
INVITES the Administrative Secretary-General to take the necessary measures for the preparation, organization and holding of the joint Meeting of African and Afro-Arab Co-operation and in collaboration with the Arab Labour Organization;
CALLS UPON the OAU Labour Commission in general, and the Bureaux of future sessions of the Commission in particular to be well represented and to participate effectively in future sessions of the Council of Ministers where and whenever labour and related social questions are to be discussed;
REITERATES the appeal made by the Commission of those Member States who have not yet done so, to consider making additional and voluntary contributions to the ILO budget which has been drastically reduced as a result of the withdrawal of the United States from the Organization;
FURTHER REITERATES the appeal made by the Commission to all Member States to consider making direct financial grants, subventions and assistance to enable the OATUU to expand its operational activities and programmes on the Continent hat this crucial and infant stage of its development;
INVITES the Administrative Secretary-General, the ILO Regional Director and the OATUU Secretary-General to intensify and expand their co-operation in the field of labour and related social affairs and to draw up a joint programme for this purpose;
REQUESTS the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) to avail the ILO and the OAU the necessary funds to enable them to implement their joint programmes in the fields of labour and population.