Resolution on the Establishment of Civil Aviation Training Centres in Africa

CM/Res. 655(XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Having considered the Report on the Establishment of Civil Aviation Training Centres in Africa Doc. CM/R925 (XXXI),

Recalling the provisions of Resolution CM/Res. 568 (XXIX) on the Establishment of Civil Aviation Training Centres in Africa adopt during its Twenty Ninth Session,

Noting with satisfaction the efforts exerted by the OAU Secretary-General, the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) with a view to ensure the success of the conference of Donors,

Noting with satisfaction the conclusions of the Conference jointly convene in Geneva (31 May 2 June 1978) by OAU and AFCAC in collaboration with UNDP and ICAO so as to ensure the necessary supplementary financing of the projects for the training of civil aviation personnel,

Recognizing that the support and participation of Member States in pilot training programmes of the multinational centres whose establishment was decided by AFCAC, has become necessary in order to ensure the realization of these projects,

Recalling the African Declaration on Co-operation, Development and Economic Independence adopted by the Tenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of heads of State and Government on joint organization of staff training and research activities in the field of civil aviation (of. par. A3 of this Declaration),

Reiterating the need of make individual or collective commitments, as early as possible, to ensure the realization of civil aviation training projects, especially those of multi- national character,

Convinced of the vital role being played by civil aviation in the economic and social development in Africa,

Further convinced of the role being played by the enlarged OAU/AFCAC Co- ordinating Committee with the UNDP and ICAO in search for the necessary supplementary financing of these projects,

Noting that AFCAS has prepared a draft convention on the establishment of multinational civil aviation training centres,

Convinced that the adoption and signing of the convention by the Member States concerned, will facilitate the financing by donors of the recommended multinational pilot training centres:

  1. URGES Member States to:

    1. take all useful measures to identify with regards to the general development needs of each country, specific civil aviation projects requiring external assistance;

    1. examine, in the order of priorities the draft convention on the establishment of multinational civil aviation training centres, and participate in conferences of Civil Aviation Ministers which AFCAC intend organizing by December 1978 with a view to adopting and signing and convention on the establishment of multinational centres for pilot training in Franceville Mvengue (Gabon) and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia).

  1. CALLS ON the Administrative Secretary-General:

    1. to assist AFCAS as much as possible so that it may realize the objective contained in paragraph 1 above;

    1. continue to work of the OAU/AFCAC Co-ordinating Committee established in pursuance of Resolution CM/Res. 563 (XXIX) with a view to establishing a permanent contract with donors which would fully ensure the concrete realization of the establishment or expansion of the multinational centres.

  1. COMMENDS the UNDP for the catalytic role it has already played in financing activities relating to the training of civil aviation personnel;

  1. CALLS ON the UNDP and ICAO to continue to assist in the activities of the OAU/AFCAC Co-ordinating Committee;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to submit a report to the Thirty-Third Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers on the implementation of this resolution.

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