Resolution on the OAU Group in Brussels

CM/Res. 656(XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Taking note with satisfaction of the programme of action and memorandum adopted on 28 October 1977 by the OAU Group in Brussels;

Having considered the Progress Report submitted by the Chairman of the OAU Group in Brussels;

Considering the importance of African representation at the European Communities and in the BENELUX countries, in Brussels:

  1. COMMENDS the OAU Group in Brussels, SUPPORTS its initiative and ENCOURAGES it to continue its actions in the spirit of the ideals of the Organization of African Unity;

  1. EXPRESSES the need for a concerted and united action on report of the African Groups in NEW YORK, Geneva and Brussels;

  1. CALLS ON the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to take necessary measures so as to follow and co-ordinate in consultation with the Advisory Committee on budgetary and financial Matters and the Structural Committee, the activities of the OAU Group in Brussels through establishment in the future of an appropriate structure in Brussels;

  1. CALLS ON the Administrative Secretary-General, in consultation with the Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Financial Matters, to grant immediately the financial assistance to the OAU Group in Brussels to enable it carry on normally its activities and to be more operational;

  1. CALLS ON African members of the ACP Group to assist the African Organizations with economic and social character and, especially, OATUU, to obtain advisory status similar to the one granted their European counterparts within the framework of the Lome convention.

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