Resolution on Industrial and Technological Research and Development in Africa

CM/Res. 660(XXXI)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Noting with appreciation the efforts made by the OAU through the Scientific, Technical and Research Commission, (STRC), in the implementation on Resolution CM/569

(XXIX) on the activities of the STRC adopted at the Twenty-Ninth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers of the OAU held in Libreville, Gabon from 23 30 June 1977,

Reaffirming the need for African countries to strengthen their capacity and capability for accelerated transfer of industrial technology as a means of ensuring an effective application of industrial technology for development,

Aware of the urgent need for African counters to readjust the traditional approach of training industrial and technological manpower with a view to establishing programmes which aim, especially, at increasing the number and enhancing the skills of existing senior technical staff and high echelons of industrial personnel in OAU Member States through additional training,

Conscious of the need to co-ordinate and harmonize the efforts and resources of Africa, at the continental level, in industrial and technological development and to avoid unnecessary duplication of these efforts and resources in the development of regional activities, especially these related to the establishment of regional countries for the development, transfer and adaptation of technology; industrial design and manufacturing; and consulting engineering and management;

  1. WELCOMES the establishment of the Association of African Industrial Technology Organizations (AAITO) and accords it the responsibility to act as the technical arm of the OAU, on policy and other matters related to industrial and technological research and development;

  1. WELCOMES FURTHER the recent institution of a joint OAU/AAITO/UNITO Panel of Experts on Industrial and Technological Research and Development in Africa to work under the aegis of the OAU/STRC by providing expert advise on the development of Industrial and Technological Research and Development in accordance with the priorities established by the Scientific Council of Africa (CSA);

  1. APPRECIATES the important help given by the UNIDO and the facilities offered respectively by the Nigerian and Kenyan governments for the establishment of the Association of African Industrial Technology organizations (SSITC) and the holding of the first meeting of the OAU/AAITO/UNIDO group of Experts;

  1. ENDORSES the Memorandum of mutual understanding for cooperation between the OAU and the UNIDO as presented in Document CM/922.

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