Resolution on the Effective Development Commercialization and Utilization of Energy Resources in Africa

CM/Res. 662(XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Mindful of the serious problems being encountered by African countries as a result of the escalating cost of traditional energy resources,

Noting the increasing emphasis being paid by the international community in the exploitation of non-conventional sources of energy, particularly solar energy,

Recognizing the particular and timely relevance to African countries, particularly the drought stricken and Sudano-Sahelian countries, for the development and commercialization of non-conventional sources of energy, such as solar, wind and biogass energies, particularly in their rural development programmes:

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to convene urgently a meeting of the Expert Panel on non-conventional sources of energy for the purpose of co- ordinating and harmonizing national efforts for effective exploitation and utilization of non-conventional sources of energy;

  1. FURTHER REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to solicit the assistance of UNIDO, ECA as well as donor Organizations of UN system for the convening of the above-mentioned meeting of the Experts Panel to development and marketing of non-conventional sources of energy, including industrial and technological research, the development of proto-types the implementation of pilot projects as well as the establishment of commercial production plants;

  1. CALLS on the Member States of the OAU to give greater consideration, when establishing their multilateral and bilateral techno-economics co-operation programmes, to the acquisition of facilities and transfer of know-how for the manufacture of equipment for the utilization of non-conventional sources of energy.

  1. CALLS ON UNIDO, ECA, UNESCO and international donor organizations to intensify their assistance to OAU, in establishing and enhancing the work of the Experts Panel on non-conventional sources of energy as well as the development and implementation of work programmes both at the national as well as at the regional level.

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