Resolution on the Activities of the Executive Secretary of the OAU/STRC

CM/Res. 663(XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Recalling resolution CM/569 (XXIX) of the Twenty-Ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville on the Scientific, Technological Research and Development Activities of the Executive Secretariat of the OAU/STRC,

Noting with satisfaction the work carried out by the General Secretariat of the OAU through the STRC with the assistance of the Scientific and Technological Expert Panels,

Recognizing with gratitude the initial technical and financial support the UNIDO has given to the OAU activities at the level of the STRC in the field of industrial and technological research and employment and in the establishment of the Association of African Industrial Technological Organization (AITO):

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU to continue with all the existing joint projects and the new co-operative research and development activities of the STRC especially:

    1. Semiarid Food Grain Research and Development (J.P. 31)

    2. Anti-rinderpest Campaign (J.P.15)

    3. Contagious bovine Pleuropneumonia (CVPP-JP 28)

    4. Training and Research of Plant Quarantine and Pest Control (JP 29)

    5. Tse-tse and Trysonosomiasis Research and Control (JP 30 )

    6. African Medicinal Plants Research (JP 28)

    7. Inventory of African Industrial Technology Organizations, Experts and R & D Programmes

    8. Development of Industrial and Technological Manpower in Africa

    9. Establishment of an Industrial Information Unit

    10. Short-term Training Workshops

    11. In-plant Group Training Programmes for Industrial Technicians; and

    1. African Journal of Industrial Technology.

  1. FURTHER REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU to encourage at the level of the STRC other relevant research projects for the development of Africa;

  1. URGES all African countries to actively participate in the Second African conference on Industrial and Technological Research and Development with a view to developing a plan of action for the training of industrial and technological manpower in Africa, schedules to take place in Cairo, Egypt in April 1979 and call on UNIDO, ECA, ILO, UNESCO and other donor agencies to assist the African countries towards the success of the Conference;

  1. CONGRATULATES the Administrative Secretary-General on the initiative in sending scientific delegation to Mozambique, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea-Bissau and Angola and approves the Executive Secretariat’s proposal to work with the appropriate officials of these countries to improve the technological and research establishments in these countries in co-operation with the ECA and other UN agencies;

  1. REQUESTS all multilateral and bilateral donors to assist and collaborate with the OAU Secretariat in the execution of all these projects.

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