Resolution of African Medicinal Plants and Traditional Pharmacopoeia

CM/Res. 665(XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Recalling the recommendations of the 1st and 2nd Symposia 1968 and 1975 on Industrial Research and development on African Medicinal Plants and the preparation of National Pharmacopoeia by each Member State,

Aware of the excellent record of the Inter-African Committee on African Medicinal Plants and Traditional Pharmacopoeia in collaboration with the relevant UN and other donor agencies and the need for all OAU Member States to establish Industrial Research Programmes and National Committees to monitor the implementation of these research programmes especially in the production of new drugs from indigenous herbs and Pharmaceutical control of imported drugs into Africa,

Noting that only a few of such national programmes on Medicinal Plant Research and Control of Pharmaceutic Imports have so far been established in Africa,

Conscious of the present alarming rate of dumping of all sorts of drugs in Africa at the expense of the ordinary people:

  1. APPEALS to all OAU Member States:

    1. to establish national Committees and Industrial Research and Development Programmes on Medicinal Plants and Development of Pharmaceutics;

    1. to keep the Executive Secretariat of the OAU/STRC informed of the progress being made by the relevant institution in each country;

  1. TAKES NOTE of the offer by the Government of Ivory Coast to host the Third Inter-African Symposium on African medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Pharmacopoeia from 24 to 29 September 1978;

  1. URGES all Member States to actively participate in the symposium mentioned in paragraph 2 above;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to solicit the assistance of UNIDO, ECA, UNISCO, WHO to ensure the success of this important symposium;

  1. FURTHER REQUESTS the cooperation of UN and other relevant donor agencies to intensify their programmes of technical and financial assistance to African countries both at the national and regional levels for the effective commercial exploitation and utilization of African medicinal plants.

  1. URGES Member States to consider, with the assistance of UIPO, the adopton of patent laws to protect African scientific inventions and discoveries.

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