Resolution on renegotiations on the ACP/EDC Lome Convention

CM/Res. 673(XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Recalling the relevant resolution of the Fourth General Assembly, in particular:

  • Resolutions 3201 and 3202 (S-VI) relating to the establishment of a New International Economic Order,

  • Resolution 3281 (XXXIX) relating to the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States;

  • Resolution 3262 (S-VII) relating to Development and International Economic Co-operation;

Considering the Declaration and Programme of Action adopted by the Group of 77 in Manila in February 1976;

Recalling the relevant provisions adopted by the Fourth UN Conference on Trade and Development in Nairobi in May 1976;

Considering the Declaration and Programme of Action adopted by the Fourth Summit Conference on Non-Aligned Countries in Algiers in September 1973 and the Programme of Action for Economic Co-operation adopted by the Fifth Conference in Colombo in August 1976;

Reaffirming the Declaration on Co-operation, Development and Economic Independence adopted by the Tenth Summit Conference of the OAU in 1973;

Recalling the ACP/EEC Lome Convention, the Georgetown Agreement as well as the Maghreb and Mashreck Agreement concluded with the European Economic Community;

Desirous of promoting and strengthening the economic and social development of Member States:

  1. EXPRESS SATISFACION at the model framework of cooperation represented by the ACP/EEC Lome Convention which was negotiated on the basis of the eight principles spelt out in the African Declaration on Co-operation, Development and Economic Independence, signed on 28 February 1975;

  1. EXPRESS its willingness to ensure the consolidation, the growth and the strengthening of ACP/EEC co-operation and Intra-ACP cooperation on a basis of equality and sovereignty of all states, equitable and mutual benefits and non- interference in the internal affairs of the countries concerned;

  1. ENDORSES the relevant observations made in the ACP Memorandum on the implementation of the ACP/EEC Lome Convention and earnestly request that the shortcomings of this Convention be remedied, through renegotiation, in the light of the experience gained during its implementation;

  1. To this end, AUTHORIZES the African representative to negotiate the ACP/EEC Lome Convention, in accordance with the Memorandum adopted by the Fifteenth Session of the ACP Council of Ministers and taking into consideration the relevant texts mentioned above;

  1. RELIES on the solidarity and support of the brotherly Caribbean and Pacific countries which are members of the ACP Group in the course of the negotiations on the renewal of the ACP/EEC Lome Convention;

  1. CALLS on the European Community and its Member States to show more determination and political will in its ties of cooperation with the African countries, especially during the forthcoming renegotiations on the ACP/EEC Lome Convention within the framework of the establishment of the New International Economic Order.

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