CM/Res. 676(XXXI)
Reservations: Cape Verde, Chard, Central African Empire, Cameroon,
Djibouti, Egypt, Ivory Coast. Liberia. Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Senegal, Tunisia, Upper Volta, Zaire
Non Participating: Niger
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,
Recalling declaration 1514 (XV) of the UN General Assembly,
Drawing inspiration from Article I (2) of the Charted of the Organization of African
Recalling the decision of the 5th Summit of the OAU Algiers, Algeria 1968, affirming the African character of the Canary Island,
Considering that the islands surrounding Africa are part and parcel of the African Continent and that any foreign occupation of these island constitutes a permanent threat to its security and an obstacle to the development of its sea resources:
REAFFIRMS that the islands surrounding Africa, especially the Glorious Islands, Juan de Nova, Europa, Bassasda India, Reunion and Canary Islands are part and parcel of the African continent;
DENOUNCES colonial powers which not only insist on occupying the islands but also pass legislations on the territorial waters surrounding these very islands;
REJECTS the official texts adopted recently by Spain and France on territorial water and exclusive economic Zone relating to Mozambique channel, the Island of Reunion, Canary Island s as illegal and contrary to the principles contained in Declaration 1514 (XV) of the UN General Assembly.