Resolution on a Common African Strategy to Consolidate the non-Aligned Movement

CM/Res. 677(XXXI)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Reaffirming the principle of non-alignment provided for by sub-paragraph 7 of Article III of the OAU Charter,

Recalling the principles contained in Resolution CM/Res. 12 (II) adopted in Lagos in February 1964 by the OAU Council of Ministers recommending that African States co- ordinate their foreign policies on the basis of the fundamental principles of non-alignment,

Recalling the five basic principles of non-alignment,

Faithful to the Charter of the Organisation of African Unity and the principles of non- alignment,

Recalling the relevant OAU resolutions and in particular Resolution CM/264 (XVIII0, CM/305 (XXI), and CM/487 (XXVIII),

Conscious of the need for Member States to step up their effort for the liberation of the territories under foreign domination, the consolidation of national independence and the promotion of a New International Order,

Considering that non-alignment provides an adequate framework for an effective mobilization in support of the African cause,

Considering further that the OAU Member States play and important role within the movement of non-aligned countries aimed at consolidating the unity of the movement and promoting solidarity among non-aligned countries,

Affirming that the basic principle underlying the spirit of the non-aligned movement is independence with respect to power blocs, the non-use of force and the non-interference in the internal affairs of other States,

Expressing its total rejection of all attempts aimed at spreading in Africa the policy of international blocks which is designed to turn the African continent into a battlefield or the scene of the cold war,

Asserting that the action of some non-African States, constitutes a glaring and unacceptable interference,

Taking due account of the efforts of the movement of non-aligned countries for self- determination and independence of peoples, international peace and security and for the establishment of a New International Order,

Convinced of the fact that the strengthening of the movement of non-aligned countries will directly contribute to the promotion of OAU efforts to achieve its objectives,

Considering the importance of the conference of Foreign Ministers of non-aligned countries due to be held from 25 to 29 July 1978 in Belgrade and the impact which its work is bound to have on the international scene,

Considering the need for a more consistent action of Member States within the movement of the non-aligned countries:

  1. SOLEMNLY DECLARES that all Member States undertake to respect and strengthen the policy of non-alignment so as to safeguard the freedom, stability and prosperity of Africa;

  1. CALLS UPON African State, members of the Group of non-alignment, to respect the objectives and the principles agreed to by that Movement;

  1. STONGLY CONDEMNS any foreign interference in the internal affairs of the African Continent;

  2. APPEALS to all Member states to endeavor to settle their disputes before African organs;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to present the relevant resolutions of the Fifteenth Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, in particular those dealing with the liquidation of colonialism and the confrontation with the racist regimes in Southern Africa to the Ministerial Meeting of non-aligned countries in Belgrade;

  1. DECIDES to co-ordinate its efforts with other non-aligned countries in order to safeguard and consolidate the unity movement and ensure the respect for its principles;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States to participate in the conference of Ministers of non-aligned countries scheduled to be held in Belgrade from 25 to 29 July 1978 and to co-ordinate their action to contribute effectively to the success of its deliberations.

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