Resolution on the Comorian Island of Mayotte

CM/Res. 678(XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte,

Recalling that the people of the Republic of the Comoros expressed by an overwhelming majority their will in a referendum held on 21 December 1974, to accece to independence in unity and territorial integrity,

Considering that the so-called referendum imposed upon the inhabitants of the Comorian Island of Mayotte constitute a blatant aggression against the Comorian State and a violation of its territorial integrity,

Considering that the French occupation of the Comorian Island of Mayotte constitutes a glaring aggression against the Comorian State,

Considering that this attitude adopted by France constitutes a marked violation of Resolution AHG/16 which ratifies the intangibility of the boundaries inherited from the colonial administration,

Considering that the establishment of military bases by France in the Indian Ocean constitutes a flagrant aggression against the independent States of African and Asia,

Considering moreover that the criminal aggression perpetrated against the Comorian State, following the mercenaries, invasion of that country, constitutes a new encroachment on the sovereignty of this state, a threat to the States of the region and a challenge to the OAU,

Recalling the relevant resolutions of the OAU, the non-aligned countries and the United Nations:

  1. CONDEMNS the so-called referendum staged in Mayotte on the 8 June 1976 and 11 April 1976 which it considers null and void and REJCTS at the outset all forms of referendum of consultations which might be subsequently organized, or any other French initiative aiming at conferring a legitimate character to French colonialist presence in Mayotte in any form, whether direct of indirect, or in any other part of the Republic of the Comoros;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the illegal French occupation of the Comorian Island of Mayotte, which constitutes an aggression aiming at undermining the national unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of the Comoros, as well as the independence and sovereignty of the whole of Africa;

  1. CONDEMNS the criminal aggression perpetrated by mercenaries against the Republic of the Comoros and DENOUNCES any country in collusion with that aggression;

  1. DEMAND the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of France from the Comorian Island of Mayotte, which is an integral part of the Republic of the Comoros;

  1. REAFFIRMS its full solidarity with the people of the Comoros, in their legitimate struggle for the real and total liberation of their national territory;

  1. CALLS ON the Administrative Secretary-General and on the African Group at the United Nations, to see to that, pending the evacuation of that territory by France, the question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte is included as a permanent item on the Agenda of the United Nations, the OAU, the Non-Aligned, the League of Arab States and on that of any other International Conference in which African States will participate;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to submit a report on this question to the next Session of the AOU Council of Ministers.

Reservations: Central African Empire, Chad, Egypt, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Togo, Zaire

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