Resolution on Namibia

CM/Res. 679(XXXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-First Ordinary Session in Khartoum, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, from 7 to 18 July 1978,

Convinced that the advanced stage reached in the struggle for independence in Namibia has prompted the South African racist regime to embark on a sinister programme designed to rob the Namibian people on their imminent victory;

Gravely concerned that the South African racist regime is continuing to promote its puppets and quisling of the Turnhalle tribal gathering as alternative to SWAPO, the authentic representative of the people of Namibia, which is fighting for the genuine national and social liberation of Namibia as a united political entity;

Condemning the South Africa’s continued intransigence and inflexibility by refusing to demonstrate any good faith or willingness to enter seriously into meaningful negotiations for its withdrawal from Namibia;

Commending the military and diplomatic efforts of SWAPO to secure genuine independence for Namibia;

Gravely concerned of Southern Africa racist regime’s repeated acts of aggression against, military incursions into, and violations of the territorial integrity of the neighbouring states, in particular Angola and Zambia, causing considerable loss of human life and damage to property:

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS AND REJECTS and elections in Namibia which are not held under the control and supervision of the United Nations in conformity with the Security Council Resolution 385 (1976) in its entirety;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the South African racist regime’s repeated acts of aggression and military incursions in the neighbouring independent States, in particular the recent massacres of innocent refugees at Cassinga during the invasion of People’s Republic of Angola;

  1. CALLS UPON all OAU Member States and the International community to increase their material and financial assistance to SWAPO.

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