Resolution on the Results of the Deliberations of the Tenth FAO Regional Conference for Africa

CM/Res. 703 (XXXII)


The Council of Minister of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty- Second Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, from 23 February to 4 March, 1979,

Having considered the Report of the Administrative Secretary General (Document CM/952 (XXXII)) on the Tenth FAO Regional Conference for Africa held in Arusha (United Republic of Tanzania) from 18 to 29 September 1978,

Having heard the message of the representative of the director General of FAO, to the 32nd Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers,

Seriously concerned about the disastrous and anachronistic situation prevailing in Africa, with regard to food and agriculture,

Recalling Resolution 12/77 of the General conference of the FAO calling a World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (WCARD) in Rome (Italy) in July 1979,

Recalling the special resolution No of the United Nations Economic and Social

Council adopted at its Ordinary Session in Geneva and approving the organization of the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development under the auspices of the FAO,

Recalling further the resolution of Tenth FAO Regional Conference for Africa relating to Agrarian Reform and Rural Development,

Concerned about the constant deterioration of the physical and human environment in rural Africa and the rapid progression of rural depopulation in African countries,

Aware of the fact the reorganisation of national rural development structures and the redefinition of agrarian development policies constitute the cornerstone of agricultural development and of the revision of production relationships in the African region;

Recalling further the 1973 African Declaration on Co-operation, Development and Economic Independence adopted in May 1973 at the Twenty-First Session of the OAU Council of Ministers in Addis Ababa,

Bearing in mind the need to ensure the success of the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development,

Mindful of the need to harmonize the stands of the African Group so as to ensure the Continent’s full and effective participation in the said conference,

  1. ENDORSES the Resolution s adopted at the Tenth Regional Conference for Africa, held in Arusha from 18 to 29 September 1978;

  1. AUTHORIZES the Administrative secretary General to organize a Conference of African Ministers of Agriculture on rural Development and Agrarian Reform in Africa for the purpose of exchanging views and experience among Africans, for reaching common stands and ensuring full and effective participation by the African Group in the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development;

  1. AUTHORIZES the Advisory Committee on budgetary and Financial Matters to make available the funds needed for the holding of the said Conference;

  1. APPEALS to all Member States to actively participate in the African Conference scheduled for May 1979 and the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development scheduled to take place in Rome (Italy) in July 1979;

  1. TAKES NOTE with appreciation of the fact that Tunisia has declared her willingness to host the Conference of African Ministers of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform.

  1. CALLS upon all International Organizations working in Africa and the bodies of the United Nations directly concerned to closely co-operate with the OAU for the success of the African Conference on rural Development and Agrarian Reform;

  2. AUTHORIZES the Administrative Secretary-General to take all necessary measures to ensure effective and functional cooperation between the OAU and the FAO, especially within the framework of the existing structures of the OAU/FAO/WHO Joint commission;

  1. CALLS ON THE OAU Administrative Secretary General in consultation with the Committee on Structures to prepare a study on the advisability and financial implications of the opening of a liaison office at the FAO Headquarters in Rome;

  1. CALLS ON THE OAU Administrative Secretary General to draw up in collaboration with the FAO, a concrete cooperation programme with specific objectives in the fields of Food and Nutrition, Drought, Desertification, Pest and the African Animal Trypanosomiasis Control.

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