Resolution on renewal of mandate and reconstitution of Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Personnel Matters

Resolution on the renewal of the mandate and reconstitution of the Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Personnel Matters - ACHPR/Res.536 (LXXIII) 2022

Dec 12, 2022

The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (The Commission), meeting in its 73rd Ordinary Session, held in Banjul, The Gambia, from 20 October to 9 November 2022:

Recalling its mandate to promote and protect human rights in Africa under Article 45 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (the African Charter);

Recognizing the important role played by its Secretariat in ensuring the effective discharge of the Commission's mandate;

Aware of the difficulties faced by the Commission in the preparation, presentation and execution of its budget, and desirous of facilitating its budget preparation process.

Recalling its decision, taken at the 6th Special Session, to set up an Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Personnel Matters to work with the Secretariat in the preparation of the Commission's programs and budgets;

Bearing in mind its Resolution ACHPR/Res. 142 (XXXXV) 09, adopted at its 45th Ordinary Session, establishing an Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Personnel Matters (the Advisory Committee);

Recalling its Resolutions DACHP/Res.191 (L) 11, DACHP/Res.256 (LIV) 2013, DACHP/Res.313 (LVII) 2015, DACHP/Res.388 (LXI) 2017, DACHP/Res.464 (LXVI) 2020 and DACHP/Res.498 (LXIX) 2021 on the renewal of the mandate and reconstitution of the Advisory Committee;

Noting with appreciation the work done by the Committee under the leadership of Commissioner Hatem Essaiem and all the former chairpersons in the discharge of its mandate;

Noting that the mandate of the Chairperson and members of the Advisory Committee has expired;

Recognizing the importance of the Advisory Committee and the need for it to continue to fulfil its mandate;

Bearing in mind the Standard Operating Procedures on the Special Mechanisms of the Commission (the SOPs on Special Mechanisms) adopted at its 27th Extraordinary Session held from 19 February to 4 March 2020 in Banjul, The Gambia;

Noting in particular the guidelines set out in the SOPs on Special Mechanisms, including the general roles and responsibilities of mandate holders, the composition of the mechanisms, the appointment of members and the duration of their mandate as well as the code of conduct for mandate holders;

Further noting the decisions taken during this 73rd Ordinary Session regarding the allocation of responsibilities among the Commissioners;

Decides to:

1. Renew the mandate of Commissioner Hatem Essaiem as Chair of the Advisory Committee for a two (2) year term effective 9 November 2022;

2. Appoint, for the same period, Commissioner Litha Musyimi- Ogana, as Vice-Chair of the Advisory Committee;

3. Renew for the same period the mandate of Commissioner Ourveena Geereesha Topsy Sonoo as a member of the Advisory Committee;

4. Reappoint, for the same period, two (2) staff members of the Commission's Secretariat from Finance and Human Resources Units.

Done in Banjul, The Gambia, on 9 November 2022

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