Territories under Portugese Domination

CM/Res. 34 (III)


The Council of Minister meeting in its Third Ordinary Session in Cairo, U.A.R., from 13 to 17 July 1964,

Having considered the situation in the African Territories under Portuguese domination,

Noting with deep concern the adamant refusal of Portugal to recognize the inalienable right of the African peoples under its domination to self-determination and independence,

Recalling the resolution on Decolonization adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government, in Addis Ababa in May 1963, in particular its operative paragraphs 7,8, and 10.

Convinced that only concerted, positive action by all independent African States and the nationalist movements in these territories will secure their liberation,

Decides to submit to the First Assembly of Heads of State and Government the following recommendations:

  1. TO CONDEMN Portugal for its persistent refusal to recognize the right of the peoples under is domination to self-determination and independence and for its non-compliance with the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council of the United Nations;

  1. TO CALL on African nationalist movements in the Territories under Portuguese domination to intensify their struggle for their immediate liberation;

  1. TO IMPRESS on all African States that it is indispensable to implement in all its aspects the decision taken in Addis Ababa in May 1963 to boycott Portugal;

  1. TO ESTABLISH a machinery within the OAU General Secretariat, which would be entrusted inter-alia, with the following function’s:

    1. to co-ordinate among the Member States the strictest implementation of all relevant resolutions of the OAU,

    1. to harmonize co-operation with friendly States with a view to implementing an effective boycott of Portugal,

  1. TO EXTEND the mandate of the Foreign Ministers of Liberia, Madagascar, Sierra Leone and Tunisia commissioned by the conference of Heads of State and Government to represent OAU Member States at the deliberations of the Security Council on the question of Territories under Portuguese domination.

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