The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

CM/Res. 43 (III)


The Council of Minister meeting in its Third Ordinary Session in Cairo, U.A.R., from 13 to 17 July 1964,

Recalling that the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development held in Geneva, pursuant to Resolution 963 (XXXVI) of the United Nations Economic and So cial Council,

Endorsing the co-ordinated policy followed and the joint action undertaken by the Members of the Organization of African Unity in conformity with Document ECOS/12/RES/I (I) of the Economic and Social Commission and Document CM/Res. 26 9II) of the Council of Ministers,

Noting further, with satisfaction, the joint Declaration of the seventy-seven developing countries issued at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,

Reaffirming its belief that it is to the benefit of all concerned to strengthen and maintain the unity of the seventy-seven developing countries for future action,

  1. RECOMMENDS to all Member States of the Organization of African Unity to work in conformity with the general views and objectives, of the seventy-seven developing countries with a view to furthering the unity and solidarity of the developing countries for future action at similar conferences;

  1. REQUESTS Member States elected to the Trade and Development Board, and those who will be elected in the future, to work in close co-operation with like- minded representatives of other developing countries so that the common objectives of the Members of OAU in particular, as well as those of other developing countries in general, can be realized within the shortest possible time;

  1. CALLS UPON the Economic and Social Commission of the OAU to consider all possible means of strengthening trade links and development efforts among its

members in the light of the findings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and submit its findings to the Council.

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