The Organization of African Unity and the United Nations Organization

CM/RES. 65 (V)


The Council of Ministers, meeting in its Fifth Ordinary Session in Accra, Ghana, from 14 to 21 October 1965,

Considering that in 1965 Africa has 36 States, members of the UNO representing almost one third of the memberships of the Organization,

Noting with satisfaction that owing to the efforts of the African Group at the United Nations the Charter of the UN has just been amended in a way that will improve African representation in the Security Council and in the Economic and Social Council,

Noting also the decision taken at the 20th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations to establish relations of co-operation with the Organization of African Unity,

EXPRESSES its congratulations to the African Group for its efforts in view of a better representation of Africa in the United Nations and requests it to continue its action in the interests of Africa;

TAKES NOTE of the invitation sent to the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to follow the work of the United Nations General Assembly;

REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to invite the Secretary-General of the United Nations to follow the work of the OAU Assembly of Heads of State and Government and Council of Ministers as well as that of all the OAU Specialized Commissions;

WELCOMES with satisfaction the establishment of relations of co-operation between the UNO and the OAU and requests the OAU Administrative Secretary- General to do his utmost in order that this co-operation be as close as possible and cover all fields that interest both Organizations.

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