Resolution on the Scale of Assessment

Resolution on the Scale of Assessment

CM/Res. 73 (V)


The Council of Ministers, meeting in its Fifth Ordinary Session in Accra, Ghana, from 14 to 21 October 1965,

Realizing that the current budget is constituting a heavy burden on Member States of the Organization of African Unity,

Noting the concern expresses by certain Member States about their rate of assessment under the current budget,

Considering the Administrative Secretary-General’s observation regarding the institutional set-up of the Organization of African Unity,

Recalling the decision of the Council of Ministers on 18 October 1965, regarding the establishment of an ad hoc Committee for the examination of the whole institutional set-up of the Organization of African Unity,

  1. REQUESTS the Ad Hoc Committee to examine the current budget with a view to suggesting possible major reductions;

  1. INVITES the Administrative Secretary-General to continue to effect savings in the current budget; to continue to adhere strictly to rule 2(ii) of the Functions and Regulations of the General Secretariat and report on such savings;

  1. REQUESTS the Advisory Committee on Budgetary and Financial Matters to devise a new scale of assessment acceptable to all Member States and report to the next session of the Council of Ministers;

  1. RECOMMENDS that in determining future budgets of the Organization due consideration should be given to the limited resources of Member States;

  1. APPEALS to all Member States to continue to meet their financial obligations under the present budget.

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