Resolution on the OAU Co-Ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa

CM/Res. 77/Rev.1 (VII)


The Council of Ministers, meeting in its Seventh Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, from 31 October to 4 November 1966,

Considering the Charter of the OAU and the resolution to create the Co-ordinating Committee and the Special Fund for the liberation of Africa,

Noting the fact that the struggle against imperialism and for the liberation of Africa is one of the main duties of the OAU,

Considering the conditions under which this Committee assumes with limited resources its struggle against the forces of colonialism, imperialism and racial discrimination,

Considering that this Committee was able to keep the torch of struggle against colonialism, imperialism and racial discrimination burning,

Recalling the resolution on decolonization by the Assembly of Heads of States and Government at its meeting in Addis Ababa in May 1963, which makes the Co-ordinating Committee an executive and managerial body and not a policy making body,

Having received the report CM/142 submitted by the Committee to the OAU Council of Ministers at its Seventh Ordinary Session and the report of the Administrative Secretary- General, CM/128,

  1. ENCOURAGES the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of African to continue its efforts to assist liberation movements in Territories still under colonial domination, or under the rule of a white minority racist regime;

  1. EXPRESSES its thanks to the United Republic of Tanzania for the aid it is giving to this Committee;

  1. ADOPTS the report of the Committee (CM/142);

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report submitted by the Administrative Secretary-General, CM/128, and of the proposals contained in paragraph 37 of this report;

  1. APPROVES the measures taken b the Committee, which have been reported in Appendix II of document CM/142, as amended by the Ad Hoc committee appointed by the Council to increase its efficiency, reorganize its work and its relationship with liberation movements and increase its control over their activities which would raise its efficacy and improve its administration of the special funds and adopts these measures as forming part of the general regulation of the Liberation Committee;

  1. INVITES the Co-ordinating Committee to continue assisting liberation movements granting them moral and material support until they free their peoples and territories from foreign and racist domination.

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