Resolution on Southern Rhodesia

CM/Res. 78 (VII)


The Council of Ministers, meeting in its Seventh Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, from 31 October to 4 November 1966,

Having reviewed events in Southern Rhodesia covering a period of nearly one year and the illegal seizure of independence by British racist minority settlers in that country,

Having observed the hypocritical attitude and vacillation of the British Government towards the rebel regime in Southern Rhodesia,

Convinced that the programme of sanctions against the British colony of Southern Rhodesia as conceived and directed by the British Government will not and cannot bring down the illegal regime at Salisbury,

More convinced than ever that the Southern Rhodesia independence crisis constitutes a threat to international peace and security,

  1. BITTERLY AND UNRESERVEDLY CONDEMNS the current talks between the British Government and the rebel settler regime in Southern Rhodesia as a conspiracy aimed at recognizing the independence seized illegally by the rebel settlers;

  1. CALLS UPON all Member States of the OAU and all other States to continue to refuse recognition to the present Government of Southern Rhodesia and to refuse recognition to any independent regime which the present talks between Britain and the Southern Rhodesian rebels may bring about unless such a government is based on majority rule;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS Britain for her refusal to crush the Southern Rhodesian rebel regime and repeats its demands to the United Kingdom Government to bring about the immediate downfall of that regime by any means including the use of force;

  1. REITERATES the terms of paragraph 4 of the resolution of 5 March 1966, and accordingly recommends the OAU, and to all friendly Governments, to give material and financial aid to the Zimbabwe people who are actually fighting inside Zimbabwe;

  1. CONDEMNS those States especially those of Portugal and South Africa which render support to the rebel regime in Southern Rhodesia;

  1. INVITES member countries in consultation with each other to take measures against those persons, companies and institutions in their own countries which, in pursuance of colonialist interests continue to have dealings with, or business under the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia,

  1. CALLS UPON all member countries and all countries which wish to see human dignity and freedom in Africa and throughout the world to support a programme of mandatory and comprehensive sanctions against Southern Rhodesia under Chapter VII of the UN Charter;

  1. REPEATS its call upon all member countries to contribute to a Special Southern Rhodesia Liberation Fund to enable all Zimbabwe Nationalist to intensify the fighting against the rebels;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States to give practical implementation to paragraph 3 of the Resolution of 5 March 1966 which states:

“Decides to establish a “Committee of Solidarity for Zambia” composed of five Members whose task shall be to seek appropriate measures of technical and economic assistance by Member States to Zambia” so as to enable Zambia not only to withstand the affects of U.D.I. but also to help all Zimbabwe freedom fighters more effectively;

  1. REITERATES its call upon all Member States of the OAU and UN who have not taken any notice, to implement, the United Nations Security Council resolution of 20 November 1965 and to intensify their efforts for the adoption of other more effective measures, including the release of all Zimbabwe leaders from the Nazi - type concentration camps of Southern Rhodesia;

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation hare to the Foreign Ministers of Algeria, Senegal and Zambia and all African delegations at the United Nations for their efforts to move the Security Council to consider the Southern Rhodesia situation under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter; and requests the Minister to continue with their efforts in the Security Council and submit reports to the Council of Ministers;

  1. PAYS TRIBUTE to the sons of Zimbabwe who have died in battle with the racist settler regime’s usurper forces.

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