Resolution on the Territories under Portuguese Domination

CM/Res. 83 (VII)


The Council of Ministers, of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Seventh Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, from 31 October to 4 November 1966,

Recalling and reaffirming resolution AHG/Res. 6(I), AHG/Res. 35 b (II) and CM/Res. 48 (IV),

Noting the reports of the Foreign Ministers of Liberia, Madagascar, Sierra Leone and Tunisia who were mandated by the Assembly of Heads of States and Government to pursue before the Security Council of the United Nations the matter of African Territories under Portuguese Administration,

Noting further that the Government of Portugal continues to defy the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly calling for the recognition of the right of the peoples of the Territories under its domination to self-determination and independence, and continues to wage colonial wars,

Considering that the continuance of Portuguese domination in African territories and the military operations against the peoples of these territories constitute a grave threat to the peace, which is aggravated by the explosive situation in South Africa,

CALLS UPON all States to implement the provisions of resolution 218 (1966) of November 23, 1965 by the Security Council which reaffirms:

  1. The immediate recognition of the right of the peoples of the territories under its administration to self-determination and independence;

  1. The immediate cessation of all acts of repression and the withdrawal of all military and other forces at present employment for the purpose;

  1. The promulgation of an unconditional political amnesty and the establishment of conditions that will allow the free functioning of political parties;

  1. Negotiation, on the basis of the recognition of the right of self-determination, with the authorized representatives of the political parties within and outside the Territories with a view to the transfer of power to political institutions freely elected and representative of the peoples, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV);

  1. The granting of independence immediately thereafter to all the Territories under its administration in accordance with the aspirations of the peoples;

CONDEMNS the attitude of those States which are continuing to sell or deliver arms and military material, or the equipment and materials needed to produce and maintain arms and ammunition to Portugal;

CALLS on all States to implement the provisions of resolution 2107 (XX) of 21 December 1965 by the General Assembly of the United Nations urging them to take the following action:

  1. To break off diplomatic and consular relations with the Government of Portugal or refrain from establishing such relations;

  1. To close their ports to al vessels flying the Portuguese flag or in the service of Portugal;

  1. To prohibit their ships from entering any ports in Portugal and its colonial Territories;

  1. To refuse landing and transit facilities to all aircrafts belonging to or in the service of the Government of Portugal and to companies registers under the laws of Portugal;

  1. To boycott all trade with Portugal; and

  1. In co-ordination with the Organization of African Unity, to render the peoples of the Territories under Portuguese administration the moral and material support necessary for the restoration of their inalienable rights;

CALLS ON the Foreign Minister of Liberia, Tunisia, Madagascar and Sierra Leone, with the assistance of the African Group at the United Nations, to persevere in their efforts towards stopping all assistance to the Government of Portugal.

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