Resolution on the African Group in the UN

CM/Res. 85 (VII)


The Council of Ministers, meeting in its Seventh Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, from 31 October to 4 November 1966,

Having considered the report of the African Group in the United Nations,

Deeply appreciative of the efforts already made by the Group in the United Nations for decolonization, against Apartheid and Racial Discrimination for the liberation of Rhodesia, South West Africa and all Territories still under colonial domination and on other matters of international importance,

Considering that close co-operation is necessary between the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations Organization:

  1. ACCEPTS with satisfaction the said report;

  1. DECIDES that the Executive Secretariat of the Group in New York be reorganized and assisted in the best way possible to ensure efficient service to the African Group in the United Nations;

  1. IS GRATIFIED at the excellent organization of the candidatures of African States and at the action taken towards solving other questions of extreme importance to Africa.

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