Resolution on Territories under Portuguese Domination

CM/Res. 101 (IX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Ninth Ordinary Session in Kinshasa, Congo, from 4 to 10 September 1967,

Having noted the report of the Administrative Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity, the report of the Neutral Military Commission and the report submitted by the Foreign Ministers of Tunisia, Liberia, Madagascar and Sierra Leone;

Recalling the numerous resolutions concerning the territories under Portuguese domination adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and the Council of Ministers;

Noting that Portugal is increasing its repressive measures in the territories of Angola, Mozambique and so-called Portuguese Guinea,

Deeply concerned at the strife between the nationalist movements of these territories, which renders the formation of a common front against the enemy impossible, and encourages Portugal to persist in its repression of the indigenous population,

Convinced that the only means of effectively fighting Portugal is for a common front to be formed by the liberation movements in each territory;

  1. EARNESTLY ENTREATS all the nationalist movements to close their ranks, co-ordinate their activities and intensify their struggle in order to achieve self-determination and independence;

  1. WELCOMES the resolution adopted and the measures taken by the United Nations to enable the largest possible number of Africans living under Portuguese domination to benefit from the special training programmes provided by UN specialized agencies;

  1. DENOUNCES Portugal’s refusal to respect the UN resolutions;

  1. CONDEMNS Portugal for its acts of aggression against independent African States bordering on territories under its colonial domination;

  1. CALLS UPON independent African countries to render every possible assistance to refugees and to the liberation movements of the territories under Portuguese domination;

  1. RECOMMENDS that a Committee be constituted comprising Congo- Brazzaville, Congo-Kinshasa, Ghana, the United Arab Republic and Zambia, to study the situation prevailing in Angola, and to sue every endeavor to induce the liberation movements to form a common front, with a view to making the struggle for the liberation of Angola more effective.

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