Resolution on the Conclusion of Agreements Regards Assitance in Legal Matters



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Ninth Ordinary Session in Kinshasa, Congo, from 4 to 10 September 1967,

Having heard the statement of the Imperial Ethiopian Government relating to the conclusion of bilateral extradition agreements or multilateral extradition conventions between the African States;

Having observed the keen interest that the Ethiopian initiative has aroused among Member States, which have unanimously recognized the timeliness of the necessity for concluding such agreements or conventions:

  1. EXPRESSES its gratitude to the Imperial Ethiopian Government for its welcome initiative;

  1. RECOMMENDS that the Ethiopian proposal, as complemented by the debate, which extended the scope of the subject to cover the whole body of inter-African co-operation in legal matters, be transmitted, with all other proposals relating to this question to Member States at the close of the present session;

  1. INVITES the Member States to proceed to make an urgent study of these various proposals and to convey their observations and suggestions to the General Secretariat;

  1. ENTRUSTS the General Secretariat with the tasks of compiling the observations and suggestions, and of communicating them again to Member States, which are requested to convey their opinions to the General Secretariat before the end of June 1968;

  1. FINALLY CHARGES the Administrative Secretary-General with making a report synthesizing the various opinions of the Member States of this Assembly to the Council of Ministers prior to the next Assembly of the Heads of State and Government.

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