Resolution on African Civil Aviation

CM/Res. 130(IX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Ninth Ordinary Session in Kinshasa, Congo, from 4 to 10 September 1967,

Recalling that in November 1964 an African Air Transport Conference was convened in Addis Ababa, and that twenty-six African States participated in this Conference;

Noting that the Conference adopted a recommendation in respect of the establishment of an African Civil Aviation Organ which states further that “ICAO and ECA consult with OAU with the object of submitting to Member States, by mutual agreement, a study aimed at the establishment of an African Civil Aviation Organ in order that a conference may be convened to establish such an organ as soon as possible”;

Noting further that, notwithstanding the provision quoted above and contrary to the spirit of the recommendation pertaining to OAU/ICAO/ECA mutual agreement, ICAO took unilateral action by circulating to African countries the text of a Statute for an African Civil Aviation Organ which was not submitted either to the OAU or to the ECA,

Noting also that the draft prepared by ICAO was consequently amended by joint OAU/ECA action, and a joint OAU/ECA alternative draft (taking full advantage of the preliminary work of the ICAO) was prepared;

Convinced that ICAO’s role in air transport development in Africa should be confined to the technical aspects of Civil Aviation, and that the economic aspects and priorities should be worked out and handled by the OAU and the ECA, so that the purely African interests are never lost sight of;

RECOMMENDS that the ICAO Statute as amended by the OAU and the ECA should form the basis for discussion on the establishment of an African Civil Aviation Organ, and that a conference of all Member States be called at an opportune date to establish such an organ.

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