Resolution on Road and Maritime Transport

CM/Res. 132(IX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Ninth Ordinary Session in Kinshasa, Congo, from 4 to 10 September 1967,

Recalling Resolution AHG/Res. 20 (I) by the Assembly of Heads of State in Cairo (July 1964) whereby the Transport and Communications Commission of the OAU was established with a view to drawing up plans and co-ordinating policies in the fields of telecommunications and all forms of transportation (air, land and sea);

Considering that economic development requires effective and adequate transportation services;

Noting that all the natural tourist attractions, African can offer to the world are seriously hampered by the inadequacy of road and maritime infrastructures;

Noting further that existing shipping companies of Africa have not been able to compete individually with the giant companies of developed countries in carrying their equitable share of freight, and that poor port facilities have contributed to the lagging business in shipping,

Noting with satisfaction efforts in the Continent at the regional level to rationalize transportation and enhance the pace of regional links,


  1. That the national highway networks should be extended and improved with a view to satisfy domestic regional and continental needs;

  1. Plans should be laid for co-ordinating and harmonizing existing situations in the field of transport legislation, highway codes, road signs and signals, the registration of vehicles, and driving licenses;

  1. Ways and means should be found to develop multi-nationally to utilization of existing river systems and lakes on the continent of transport purposes;

  1. That urgent steps be taken to improve African maritime transport, freight rates and port operations and to support African shipping companies;

  1. That the Secretariat of the OAU be informed of all regional links envisaged so that know-how and information be disseminated throughout the Continent, with a view to familiarizing the different regions with existing regional links.

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