Resolution on the Budget for 1967-1968

AHG/Res. 91 (VIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Eight Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 February to 4 March 1967,

In view of the fact that the draft budget for 1967, herein submitted by the General Secretariat includes an increased expenditure whereas it was not possible to give the necessary clarification required by the Council of Ministers,

In view of the fact that the Council of Ministers does not have at its disposal the administrative account of the budget for 1966/67 or the previous one, that would permit a comparison to be made with the draft budget for 1967/68,

In view of the fact that the balance sheet for the year 1966 or the previous one had not been submitted to us by the General Secretariat to enable us to know whether this financial year had been closed

with a balance between receipts and expenditure, or deficit,

or a balance of allotted credits,

And taking into account the apprehension shown by most delegates in respect of the Draft budget for 1967/68,


  1. TO RENEW the 1966/67 budget;

  1. TO PROVIDE for the expenditure necessary for the use of Arabic language;

  1. That all necessary supplementary explanation will be furnished by the Administrative Secretary-General at the next session of the Council in September 1967;

  1. That the Council of Ministers at its next Session and in the light of the explanation given by the Administrative Secretary-General in close co-operation with the

Advisory Committee on Financial and Budgetary Matters, will vote if necessary the supplementary credits, essential to an adequate running of the OAU.

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