Resolution on the Co-Ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa

CM/Res. 136 (X)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Tenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 24 February 1968,

Recalling the resolution on decolonization adopted by the Conference of Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa in May 1963,

Reaffirming that it is the duty of all independent African States to support dependent peoples in Africa in their struggle for freedom and independence,

Convinced of the imperative and urgent necessity of intensifying the efforts of all independent African countries to accelerate the attainment of national independence by all African territories still under foreign domination,

Having examined the report of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of


Noting with satisfaction the work so far accomplished by the Liberation Committee; Taking note of the positive efforts of some of the Liberation movements,

  1. URGES all Member States to pay their arrears of contribution to the Special Fund as well as their contribution for the current fiscal year;

  1. RECOMMENDS to the Heads of State and Government to review the status of the Government in Exile of Angola as this status could not only lead some liberation movements to complacency but also diminishes their dynamism and vigor in the struggle;

  1. APPEALS to the countries adjacent to territories still under foreign domination particularly, those adjacent to Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mozambique and

Angola to provide facilities to bona fide cadres of the freedom movements to infiltrate into their respective fields of operations and requests the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa to co-ordinate details of their passage with the government concerned;

  1. INVITES all Members of the OAU to continue in their efforts to bring about unity within the Liberation movements;

  1. EXPRESSES its thanks to the Government and people of Tanzania for the generous assistance accorded to the Committee.

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