Resolution on South West Africa

CM/Res. 142 (X)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Tenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 24 February 1968,

Recalling its resolutions CM/Res. 87 (VII) of November 1966, CM/Res. 97 (VIII) of March 1967 and CM/Res. 109 (IX) of September 1967 on the question of South West Africa, as well as General Assembly resolutions 1514 (XV) 2145 (XXI) of 27 October 1966, 2248 (S-V) of 19 May 1967 and 2324 (XXII) and 2335 (XXII) of 21 December 1967 and the resolutions of the Security Council;

  1. STRONGLY REAFFIRMS the inalienable right of the people of the International Territory of South West Africa to freedom and independence in conformity with the Charter of the OAU, the United Nations Charter and the relevant resolutions of the OAU and of the United Nations, particularly the General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples;

  1. CONDEMNS again in the strongest possible terms the South African regime for its persistent defiance of world public opinion and for its violation of the United Nations resolution terminating its mandate in South West Africa;

  1. AGAIN CALLS UPON the Security Council to give effective assistance to the UN Council for South West Africa in carrying out its mandate and bring about the effective presence of the United Nations as envisaged in resolution 2145

(XXI) of the General Assembly and also to facilitate the granting of travel documents to citizens of South West Africa who wish to move out;

  1. CALLS UPON the UN to apply the provisions of Charter VII of the Charter of the United Nations against South Africa because of its refusal to hand over the administration of South West Africa;

  1. CALLS UPON all States to co-operate fully with the United Nations Council for South West Africa in the accomplishment of its mission;

  1. REAFFIRMS its total and unflinching support to the people of South West Africa in their legitimate struggle;

  1. RECOMMENDS to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government to propose an African candidate for the post of the High Commissioner for South West Africa;

  1. DECIDES to retain the question of South West Africa on its agenda.


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Tenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 24 February 1968,

Recalling all the previous resolutions of the Assembly of heads of State and Government, namely CIAS/Plen.2/Rev.2B, AHG/Res. 6 (I), AHG/Res. 34 (II) and resolution CM/Res. 71 (VI), CM/Res. 86 (VII), CM/Res. 102 (IX) as well as Resolutions 1971 (XVII) of 6 November, 1962, 2054 of 15 December 1965 and 2307 of 15 December 1967 of the United Nations General Assembly, resolutions S/5386, S/5471, S/5773, of the United Nations Security Council, dated 7 August 1963, 4 December 1964 and 16 June 1964 respectively,

Taking note of the Report of the Administrative Secretary-General,

Gravely concerned by the fact that the racial policies and activities of the South African regime have led to violent conflict and an extremely explosive situation,

Convinced that the failure of the main trading partners of South Africa, including three permanent members of the Security Council, to abide by the appeals and requests of

the United Nations General Assembly, has effectively contributed to the further aggravation of the situation in South Africa,

Gravely concerned at the rapid speed with which the South African regime imposing apartheid in the international Territory of South West Africa and encouraging racial discrimination and apartheid in the British Colony of Rhodesia,

Deeply disturbed at the aggressive posture adopted by the South African regime towards neighbouring independent African States such as the Republic of Zambia and Tanzania,

Emphasizing the urgency of solving the problems of apartheid and racial discrimination in view of the increasingly explosive situation in Southern Africa in general and in South Africa in particular:

  1. REAFFIRMS the decision taken by the Organization of African Unity concerning apartheid and racial discrimination;

  1. CONDEMNS unreservedly the actions of those states, in particular, the United kingdom, the United States, France, and Federal Republic of Germany and Japan, which through their continued political, economic and military collaboration with the South Africa regime are encouraging and strengthening it to persist in its racial policies;

  1. DEPLORES the actions of the main trading partners of South Africa who, in defiance of appeals made by the OAU and in violating of United Nations resolutions, have increased their trade with, and their investments in South Africa;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS some members of NTO, in particular, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy and France, which continue to sell military equipment to South Africa or to assist it in the production of arms, ammunition,

and poison gas, in violation of the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the direct and indirect help given to the racist minority regime of Ian Smith by the South African regime;

  1. DENOUNCES the maneuvers of the South African regime whereby it seeks to weaken the energetic opposition to apartheid of the independent African States through offers of economic and financial aid, and strongly condemns African States which maintain political and economic relations with the racialist regime of Pretoria;

  1. AGAIN CALLS on all states which still maintain commercial and other ties with South Africa to sever them without delay;

  1. AGAIN DRAWS the attention of the main trading partners of South Africa, in particular the three permanent members of the Security Council, to the fact that their continued refusals to apply economic sanctions in accordance with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter would only increase the threat of a violent conflict in South Africa and accordingly calls upon them once again to take urgent and concrete steps to sever all ties with South Africa;

  1. DEEPLY REGRETS that the Security Council of the United Nations has failed to bring about an end to apartheid in South Africa because of the resistance of the main trading partners of South Africa, including three permanent members of the Security Council;

  1. AGAIN STRONGLY SUPPORTS the idea of organizing an international campaign to explain and disseminate the necessary documentation on the inhuman nature and terrible effects of the policy of apartheid;

  1. EXPRESSES it high esteem for all the sons and daughters of Southern Africa who are struggling tirelessly and bravely against apartheid, and calls urgently upon all States to give them moral and material support in their struggle;

  1. AGAIN APPEALS to all States to observe the twenty-first of March, the anniversary of the Sharpeville Massacre, as an international day for the abolition of racial discrimination;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to ensure the participation of the OAU in the international conference on Human Rights to be held at Teheran in May 1968 and to submit a report to the Council.

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