Resolution on the Co-Ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa

CM/Res. 154 (XI)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Eleventh Ordinary Session in Algiers, Algeria, from 4 to 12 September 1968,

Recalling the relevant resolutions adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government especially the resolution CIAS/PLEN.2/Rev.2 on decolonization adopted by the Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa in May 1963,

Noting with satisfaction the progress made by African nationalist movements in their fight against the colonial and racist forces who occupy their territories,

Noting the report of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa;

  1. CONGRATULATES the liberation movements of Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Angola and Rhodesia on the efforts they have made in intensifying their struggle and calls upon liberation movements to further intensify the struggle for the complete liberation and independence of their countries;

  1. CONGRATULATES the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa on the efforts made in co-ordinating and harmonizing assistance to liberation movements despite the limited means at its disposal;

  1. RECOMMENDS to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government;

    1. To call upon all recognized liberation movements in the struggle to form a common front to face the concerted forces of colonialism; and thus to hasten the liberation of their respective countries;

    1. To call upon Member States in arrears with their contributions to pay them to the Special Fund so as to increase the efficiency of the Liberation Committee;

    1. To invite Commissions of military experts under the auspices of the Liberation Committee to pay more frequent visits in various fields of operation in the colonial territories;

    1. To organize in conformity with resolution CIAS/PLEN/Rev.2 operative paragraph II adopted by Government, on 25 May, “Africa Day”, National programmes to include the sale of badges and emblems, showing of films and other events for the purpose of collecting funds for the liberation struggle;

    1. To make funds available for reproduction of films made as an example of the magnificent success of some liberation movements, particularly the PAIGC in Guinea Bissau, such films should be shown in all African States so that all the people can be informed of the sacrifices and activities of their struggling brothers in the colonial Territories;

    1. To instruct the African Group at the United Nations to further intensify its efforts during the forthcoming Session of the UN General Assembly in order to eradicate all problems in Africa concerning colonialism, apartheid, and racial discrimination in Africa;

  1. RECOGNIZES the rights of freedom fighters in colonial territories when captured to be treated as prisoners of war under the Red Cross Geneva Convention of 1949;

  2. DECLARES that any aggression in any OAU Member State by the colonialist and racist regimes of Portugal, South Africa and Rhodesia is regarded as an aggression on all the Members of the Organization

  1. CONGRATULATES and records its thanks to the Governments and people, hosts to recognized liberation movements, and particularly those countries adjacent to the fields of the struggle for the immense sacrifices they are daily shouldering in order to hasten the capitulation of the colonialists and the enemies of Africa.

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