Resolution on Decolonization

CM/Res. 155 (XI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Eleventh Ordinary Session in Algiers, Algeria, from 4 to 12 September 1968,

Taking note of the report of the Administrative Secretary General relating to the problem of decolonization contained in document CM/223/Adds. I and 2, CM/224, CM/224/Add.q, AM/225, AM/225/Add.1 CM/226 and CM/227 as well as UN General Assembly resolution 1415

(XV) on decolonization,

Gravely concerned at the attitude of NATO Member States which, despite the resolutions and appeals of the United Nations and the OAU, continue to give Portugal and the racist minority regimes in Southern Africa constantly increased military and economic support,

Convinced that the support given in various forms by NATO Member States enables these racist regimes to intensify their war of colonial domination and that it therefore constitutes a major obstacle to the national liberation struggle of the African peoples concerned;

Deploring the aid which Portugal and the racist minority regime in Southern Rhodesia receive from IBRD and certain UN specialized agencies,

  1. RECOMMENDS that the Assembly of Heads of State and Government should in the most appropriate manner urgently and vigorously request Member States of NATO to ensure that Organization ceases to give the Government of Portugal support enabling that country to intensify its colonial war against the populations of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau, since any assistance rendered to Portugal in its genocidal war in Africa constitutes and unfriendly act vis-a-vis the African States,

  1. RECOMMENDS that the Assembly of Heads of State and Government should take all necessary measures to ensure that in their respective countries the press, radio, television and any other media of psychological action should exert vigorous and sustained efforts to denounce to international opinion the odious crimes committed by the colonialist Powers and their allied against the African populations in the colonial Territories;

  1. FURTHER RECOMMENDS that the Heads of State and Government give instructions to their respective delegates to the conferences of specialized agencies and international organizations associated with the United Nations, in particular the IBRD and the International Monetary Fund, with a view to taking concerted African action designed to bring about the cessation, or at least the limitation of assistance afforded by these institutions to Portugal and the racist minority regimes in Southern Africa.

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