CM/Res. 157 (XI)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Eleventh Ordinary Session in Algiers, Algeria, from 4 to 12 September 1968,
Noting that the Second United Nations Conference on Trade and Development did not satisfy all the aspirations of the countries of the third World in general or of Africa in particular,
Noting that the results of the Second UNCTAD were unsatisfactory basically because of the lack or political will on the part of the developed countries,
Noting that the Latin American countries (Members of the Group of 77) met at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, at Ministerial level from 17 to 26 June 1968, and discussed their common interests in the light of the Second UNCTAD, in preparation for a meeting of the Group of 77 to take place shortly,
Noting that the thorny question of preferences will not be ready for discussion before the Board’s Ninth Session (August/September 1969),
Considering the desirability of holding a further meeting of the Group of 77 before the next session of UNCTAD,
That a meeting of the Group of 77 be convened in Dakar before the Board’s Ninth Session with a view to co-ordinating the views and safeguarding the common interests of the developing countries;
That the African Group meet before that meeting for the Group of 77 to harmonize the views of its members particularly on the thorny problems of preference;
REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of the organization of African Unity to take the necessary steps to convene these two meetings;
ASKS the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity to consult the UNCTAD Secretary General and the Co-ordinating Committee of the Group of 77 in Geneva, regarding the organization of the meeting in Dakar, Senegal.