Monetary Co-Operation

CM/Res. 160 (XI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Eleventh Ordinary Session in Algiers, Algeria, from 4 to 12 September 1968,

Recognizing that monetary co-operation is an important factor in economic integration,

Considering by reason of the importance and the technical nature of the Secretariat’s report on this question, that it requires more thorough study,

  1. RECOMMENDS that Member States:

    1. Study the Secretariat’s report so as to facilitate its discussion in the next session of the council of Ministers;

    1. Encourage the African Executive Directors of IMF in their efforts to secure better conditions for Africa;

    1. Requests the African Governors of the IBRD and the IMF to co-ordinate their efforts to assist the Executive Directors in their efforts;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU, the Executive Secretary of the ECA and the President of the ADB to extend all such assistance as may be needed by the African governors of the IMF and IBRD.

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