Inter-African Technical Assistance

CM/Res. 164 (XI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Eleventh Ordinary Session in Algiers, Algeria, from 4 to 12 September 1968,

Having studied the report presented by the Administrative Secretary General on the problem of instituting an inter-African system of technical assistance,

Aware of the acute shortage of cadres from which some Member States suffer and of the existence of a surplus of cadres in other States,

Considering the high cost and the financial burdens which extra-African technical assistance involves for the African countries,

Convinced of the advantages inherent in an inter-African system of technical assistance for strengthening African co-operation, fraternity, solidarity and unity:

RECOMMENDS that the Governments of Member States conclude bilateral agreements on technical assistance and encourage the initiatives already taken in this direction by some Member States;

INVITES Member States to provide the General Secretariat of the Organization of African Unity with full information regarding the availability and need for cadres so as to relay this information to all interested Member States.

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