Inter-African Co-Operation in Road Rail and Maritime Transport

CM/Res. 165 (XI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Eleventh Ordinary Session in Algiers, Algeria, from 4 to 12 September 1968,

Considering the essential importance of road, rail and maritime transport in the process of rapid African economic and social development,

Realizing that the expansion of road, rail and maritime transport links between African countries is essential for the desired integration of the continent,

Aware of the necessity for joint efforts in this field at continental level,

Bearing in mind the limited material, financial, and technical manpower resources available in African countries,

RECOMMENDS that Member States:

  1. Encourages the establishment and development of regional and inter-regional transport;

  1. Take into consideration the special position of the land-locked countries;

  1. Pool their financial and human resources at the regional level;

  1. Divorce, as far as possible, the development of transport among Member States from political considerations.

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