Resolution on the Economic Commission for Africa


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 August to 6 September 1969,

Having studied the report of the Administrative Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity on the ECA Ninth Session and the first meeting of the ECA Executive Committee,

Convinced that regional economic commissions have an important part to play in the second United Nations Development Decade,

Recalling resolutions 1709 (XVI) and 1823 (XVII) of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and resolutions 793 (XXX), 823 (XXXII) and 879 (XXXIV) of the economic and social Council on decentralization of the economic and social activities of the United Nations and strengthening of the regional economic commissions,

Considering memoranda Nos. 1 and 2 of the Executive Committee of the Economic Commission for Africa and the resolutions adopted at the Ninth Session of the Commission,

  1. INVITES Member States to take the necessary steps to strengthen multinational co - operation, and so pave the way for the implementation of multinational and sub- regional programmes;

  1. ENDORSES all the resolutions adopted during the Ninth Session of the ECA and in particular the changes in the institutional machinery, organization, structure and functions of theca as proposed by resolutions 188 (IX), 189 (IX) of the commission and the strengthening of the relations between the OAU and the ECA as proposed by resolution 190 (IX) of the Commission;

  1. URGES ALSO member States of the Organization of African Unity as well as their representatives at the United Nations General Assembly and its other organs to harmonize Nations General Assembly and its other organs to harmonize their positions to give active support to the resolutions and work programmes of the Economic Commission for Africa in order that the necessary resources can be provided to the strengthen the activities of the Commission within the African region;

  1. RECOMMENDS that the United Nations make available to ECA adequate resources in order to strengthen the Secretariat of the Commission as well as its sub-regional offices, so as to enable African States to obtain the services required during the Second United Nations Development Decade;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU in close co-operation with the Executive Committee of the ECA, the Executive Secretary of the ECA and the Secretary General of the UN to give their fullest co-operation and assistance to the African representatives at the UN for the implementation of the resolu tions of the Ninth Session of the Economic Commission for Africa;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU to follow closely the implementation of this resolution and to report on this to the political bodies of the OAU.

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