Resolution on Labour

CM/Res. 194 (XIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 August to 6 September 1969,

Having studied the report of the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU on the Conference of African Labour Ministers and on the Fifty-third Session of the International Labour Conference (document CM/286, (Part 7),

Considering the resolutions of the Eighth Session of the conference of African Labour Ministers,

Recalling its resolution CM/Res. 129 (IX) on labour, adopted at its Ninth Ordinary Session held in Kinshasa, in September 1967;

  1. ENDORSES the resolution MAT/Res. 13 (VIII) of the African Labour Ministers, on their Rules of Procedure;

  1. CONSEQUENTLY AUTHORIZES the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU to strengthen the services of the Secretariat of the Conference of African labour Ministers;

  1. INVITES the African Labour Ministers to maintain and develop relations of co - operation with the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU by providing him with any information likely to facilitate the task entrusted to him;

  1. URGENTLY REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU to give all necessary assistance to the African Group in the International Labour Organization at all ILO meetings of interest to Africa;

  1. REITERATES its appeal to the Member Countries of the Organization of African Unity to choose African nationals for the delegations to represent African Governments, employers and workers at the various meetings of the International Labour Organization;

  1. REMINDS all Member States of the necessity for African representatives at the IIO (governments, employers and workers) to maintain and strengthen their unity of action for the defence of African interest in the International Labour Organization.

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