Resolution on the First All-Africa Trade Fair

CM/Res. 197 (XIII)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 August to 6 September 1969,

Reaffirming resolution CM/Res.127 passed at the Ninth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers,

Convinced that an All-Africa Trade Fair offers the best forum for the exchange and dissemination of information on Intra-African trade,

Having considered the reports submitted by the Secretariat and the Government of the Republic of Kenya on the First All-Africa Trade Fair:

  1. DECIDES that the First All-Africa Trade Fair will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 28th September 1971, to date to be fixed by the “Organizing Committee”;

  1. INSTITUTES an “Organizing Committee” composed of the following nine Member States: Kenya (the host country), Senegal, Nigeria, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Madagascar, Algeria and the United Arab Republic;

  1. AGREES that the “Terms of reference” of the “Organizing Committee” be as outlined in paragraphs 16 of the Secretariat’s document (CM/286, Part 1);

  1. DECIDES FURTHER that this First All-Africa Trade Fair be restricted, exclusively and without ambiguity, to OAU Member States only;

  1. APPROBES the convening of a “Trade for Development Symposium” a little before, or concurrently with the First All-Africa Trade Fair;

  1. CALLS ON all Member States to extend all possible assistance to the “Organizing Committee” to spare no effort in bringing this important task to fruition;

  1. URGES Member States of the “Organizing Committee” to spare no effort in bringing this important task to fruition;

  1. CALLS ON the “Organizing Committee” to submit a detailed report to the Fourteenth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers, scheduled for February 1970, so as to facilitate early appropriations for the Fair;

  1. INVITES the Government of Kenya and the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU to submit a report on the financial implications of staging the First All -Africa Trade Fair to the Fourteenth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers, scheduled for February 1970;

  1. INVITES the Administrative Secretary General to service the meetings of the “Organizing Committee”.

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