Resolution on Inter-African Cultural Festival


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 August to 6 September 1969,

Having noted with great satisfaction that the First All-African Cultural Festival was successfully held in Algiers, Algeria, from 21 July to 1 August 1969, as reported in document CM/287 (Part) Annex 1,

Noting that the symposium held during the Festival adopted an All-African Cultural Manifesto, and called for the establishment of a Pan-African Association of Cinematography:

  1. RECORDS its satisfaction at the success of the First All-African Cultural Festival;

  1. EXPRESSES its gratitude to all those who contribute to this great success of the Organization of African Unity;

  1. TAKE NOTE of the All-African Cultural Manifesto; and

  1. ENCOURAGES the formation of a Pan-African Association of Cinematography as an independent organization having observer status with the OAU.

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