Resolution on the Activities of the African Group at the United Nations

CM/Res. 204 (XIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 August to 6 September 1969,

Aware of the importance of the work performed by the African Group and the Executive Secretariat in co-ordinating African diplomacy at the United Nations,

Taking into account the efficiency of the African Group and the need to reinforce African cohesion and representation in international bodies;

Recalling its resolutions CM/Res.8(I) of August 1963, CM/Res.54 (IV) of March 1965 and CM/Res.121 (IX) of September 1967:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report on the activities of the African Group at the United Nations;

  1. AGAIN RECOMMENDS Member States as far as possible to give their representatives sufficiently flexible instructions to enable the African Group to adopt a common stand on matters submitted to it;

  1. URGENTLY REQUESTS the African Group to draw up draft rules of procedure and a policy on the nomination of Africans to posts in the various organs of the United Nations, which will be submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval at its Session in February 1970;

  1. DECIDES for the sake of equity and efficiency to align the Executive Secretary with his counterparts and to provide the OAU Executive Secretariat at the United Nations

with adequate material means to enable it to carry out its duties under the best possible conditions.

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