Resolution on All-African Trade Union Unity


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fourteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 February to 6 March 1970,

Having studied the report of the Administrative Secretary General of OAU on the problem of All-African Trade Union Unity,

Recalling the various resolutions adopted by the Council of Ministers and the Assembly of Heads of State and Government on the need for All-African Trade Union Unity,

Recalling further the agreement between ATUC and AATUF in Algiers in March 1969 on the practical ways and means likely to help realize the unity of trade union movement in Africa,

Recognizing the need for trade union unity first at national level and subsequently at continen tal level,

Aware of the necessity to overcome the difficulties and obstacles that impede the achievement of All-African Trade Union Unity,

  1. REITERATES its determination to do everything possible to help African trade unions to find practical ways and means of achieving the unity and independence of the trade union movement in Africa, independent of foreign trade union movements;

  1. INVITES once again the Governments of the OAU Member States concerned, to make all necessary arrangements to accelerate the unification of the trade union movement at national level.

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