Resolution on the All-Africa Trade Fair

CM/Res. 212 (XIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fourteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 February to 6 March 1970,

Having discussed the report of the Organizing Committee which met in Nairobi, Kenya from 9 to 11 February 1970 on all the problems involved in preparation and staging the first All-African Trade Fair in 1972,

Reaffirming its previous resolutions CM/Res. 127 (IX) and CM/Res. 197 (XIII) on All Africa Trade Fair,

Desirous of ensuring that all Member States of the OAU actually participate in this Fair in order to promote the much needed exchange of ideas and information on trade, development and increase inter-African trade,

Further believing that the All-Africa Trade Fair offers the best opportunities for exchange and flow of information among African businessmen and industrialists on the one hand and the African producers on the other,

Considering that the total cost of the preparation and staging of the First All -Africa Trade Fair will be K£174,000 (US$486,000),

Noting with appreciation that the Government of Kenya has decided to pay for the total cost of the improvements and extension of the fair ground amounting to K£98,000 (US$274,000) and further to contribute to the part payment of the administrative costs a sum of K£25,000 (US$70,000),

  1. ENDORSES the report on the all-Africa Trade Fair and Rules and Regulations for the Fair;


    1. that the OAU contribute a sum of £51,000 (US$142,800) towards the administration costs of the Fair;

    1. that the date of the First All-Africa Trade Fair be changed from September 1971 to February/March 1972;

  1. RECOMMENDS that the duration of the Fair should be 12 days;

  1. APPEALS to all Member States of the OAU to do their best to participate in this important undertaking and to indicate their intention to the Kenya Government as soon as possible;

  1. DECIDES to extend the mandate of the Organizing Committee to continue in its duties to implement the resolutions of the Council of Ministers regarding the First All-Africa Trade Fair in Nairobi;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of OAU;

    1. to continue servicing the meetings of the Organizing Committee;

    1. to draft guide-lines on ways and means of convening the Trade for Development Symposium and draft an agenda for the Symposium and report to the Council of Ministers.

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