Resolution on Inter-African Technical Assistance


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fourte enth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 February to 6 March 1970,

Having studied the report of the Administrative Secretary General on inter -African technical assistance,

Recalling resolutions CM/Res 164 (XI) and CM/Res. 195 (XIII) adopted by the Council of Ministers and the Assembly of Heads of State and Government on inter-African technical assistance,

Having noted the joint memorandum presented by the Secretariats of OAU and ECA on the programme of inter-African technical assistance,

  1. REMINDS all member States requesting manpower to specify, in their offers of employment, the conditions of service that they propose to accord to African experts;

  1. DECIDES that the joint OAU/ECA memorandum shall be communicated to Member States for their comments and observations;

  1. INVITES all the Governments of Member States to transmit their remarks on the joint memorandum to the two Secretariats by 31 May 1970 at the latest;

  1. ENCOURAGES the Secretariats of OAU and ECA to strengthen their co -operation in order to extend and ensure the survival of operation “Inter -African Technical Assistance.”

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